Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A quick email confirming he's "Alive"!

Dear Mom, Pops, and Family,

I am alive. This really messed up keyboard is hard to type on. Love you all. I am having a wonderful time here. 

I have everything but flip flops I think. I could use more pens and paper. Though I can get paper here. 

I love the MTC. I love learning the language though it can be confusing at times I am going to get it. I have already felt the spirit very strongly. I don't really know what to say. 

My companions is Elder Porter. He is amazing and very spiritual. He was asked to bare his testimony by the MTC president cause he knew his dad. He's kinda a celebrity. 

Tell Angus Croatian has 5, kinda 7 cases and Bulgarian must be the best cause it doesn't have them. There are a few people in my zone learning Bulgarian to go to Macedonia including a sister from Oregon that know Grandma and Grandpa Hogan. I love you all so much. 

Love you,
Elder Olmstead

Friday, September 26, 2014

One Last Goodbye

After being chauffeured to Utah by Angus and Solomon - Elder Olmstead was able to get a few last squeezes in with Emma and her girls at the Ogden Temple. 

Let the adventure begin!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Saying Farewell...

See you in 2 dear friend!

Preparing to Embark...

Spending lots of time in the temple, often with friends in the baptismal font:

The Adventure Unfolds...

Surrounded by family and friends, Enoch opened his mission call:
Elder Enoch Olmstead, you have been called to serve in the Adriatic North Mission!
We all had to check out the map to see what areas that included.